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Recon MindMap: Organize, Visualize, and Prioritize Your Recon Data Efficiently

9 Aug 2024

Tool Demo

Recon MindMap: Organize, Visualize, and Prioritize Your Recon Data Efficiently

Lenin Alevski


After doing recon on a target you probably end up with more URLs, domains and IPs that you can handle, and when time is limited, how do you prioritize them? Recon MindMap (RMM) is a tool that will simplify the task of organizing and sorting all these assets. RMM can help you to generate complex domain structures, visualize them using your favorite mind map tools, make informed decisions, and improve your reports visual appeal.

During the talk I’ll discuss the motivations behind building this tool and what problem it solves, the algorithm behind, scenarios and use cases for this tool, how to contribute to the project and what’s next for RMM.

RMM it's opensource and it's available at

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